Short Fiction

  • “How He Wound Up” – Aurealis #89 April 2016 | buy from Smashwords
  • “The Valentine Raffle” – Hero & Heroine vol 2 February 2016 
  • “A Lady of Many Charms” – Hero & Heroine vol 1 January 2016 
  • “Goldilocks Zone” – Aphrodite Terra, out from Whippleshield Books, December 2015 | buy from Amazon
  • “The Skeleton in Her Closet” – Penumbra Magazine, Vol 2 Issue 7, April 2013 – published by Musa Publishing.
  • “A Little Off the Top” – Moonlight Tuber #1, May 2010 – Free download
  • “As Good as Gold” – The Enchanted Faerie anthology, out from The Wild Rose Press, ebook, November 2008; hardcopy, February 2009  Note: this is the original collection that featured “As Good As Gold”, now published as a single title.
  • “God’s Wrath” – Black Dragon White Dragon anthology, Ricasso Press, January 2009 
  • “The Devil You Know” – Abyss and Apex Issue 22, USA, April 2007
    • Reprinted in “The Best of Abyss & Apex, vol 1, October 2008
  • “A Little Help” (“Searching for Love”) – The Magazine of Unbelievable Stories, USA, Spring 2007 
  • “Eyes of the Swan” – part of the “Crossroads: a Christian Anthology”, edited by Benjamin Szumskyj, out from Khraftstar in March 2007
  • “Woman and the Moon” – Borderlands Magazine, Issue 8, October 2006
  • “A Life in the Day of a Cat” – part of the “Twisted Cat Tales” anthology, edited by Esther Schrader, out from Coscom Entertainment in February 2006, Canada.
  • “Mrs Brown’s Excellent Scones” – Alien Skin Magazine, USA, Apr-May 2005
  • “Ellie Loves Josh” – Planet Relish Magazine, USA, March 2003
  • “Within Her” – Borderlands anthology, Australia, Nov 2001
  • “Some Kind of Luck” – Pulp Audience Magazine, Australia, September 2000
  • “The Room” – Readers’ World magazine, Australia, June 2000
  • “Celestial Cat” (Fantasy poem)- The Daily Universe (University of Utah), USA, 1991
  • “As the sky erupts in brilliant fire….” (Fantasy poem) – The Satorian, USA, 1989
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