Other Fiction

Be My Grl – contemporary romance novella

Ros Wilson had only meant to return a mis-posted package to the original sender. She never meant to have her demisexual world shaken by the thought of a hot, sweaty man, where his T-shirt clung ever so— No. Enough of that. Sex was never her thing. She never had a crush, she never got all hot and bothered over a celebrity, she never had a single stirring in her loins. Ros was content with her job, her foster kittens and her lack of sex life. (Or was she?)

Then she met Everett Pak, with his exquisitely carved wooden boxes and delightful candy hearts. While it was nerves/lust/love? at first sight, Ros thought she’d never see him again, until her housemate texted him a flirty picture of Ros. (Honestly!) And he replied most favourably. Maybe this flirting thing wasn’t so bad. But flirting led to dating, and dating led to a relationship, and a relationship led to… Was Ros ready for this? Was she ready to give over her heart? Could she give more? Or would her own hang-ups ruin what promised to be the best thing to ever happen in her life?

Heat Level: two chilis

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